
Released: 1992
Kapelmeester: Peter Ayling


  1. Our God Reigns (James Anderson)
  2. Blessed Assurance (Stephen Bulla), Flugel Horn/Trumpet solist: Ron Mostaard
  3. Strathallan Suite (Ivor Bosanko)
  4. Emblems (James Curnow)
  5. No one ever cared for me like Jesus (Noel Jones)
  6. Able (Turkington, rev.: William Himes)
  7. Divine Communion (Arthur Gullidge)
  8. Euphonium Fantasia (Stephen Bulla), Euphonium solist: Harrie de Heer
  9. The Canadian (Percy Merrit)
  10. Full Surrender (William Gordon)
  11. For all the Saints (William Gordon)
  12. Joyful, Joyful (Beethoven, arr.: Leonard Ballentine)